Anton Adam – professor, priest of the Diocese of Bansko-Bystrica (Slovakia). He obtained his academic degrees at the Catholic University of Lublin. Currently he teaches at the Faculty of Theology of the Comenius University in Bratislava and at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Trnava in Bratislava. Since 2005 he has been popularizing Catholic theology on the radio “Lumen.” He is the author of over two hundred academic articles that have been published in Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia and Ukraine. He belongs to the Polish Mariological Society, the Scientific Society of the Catholic University of Lublin, the European Society of Catholic Theology, the Ecumenical Council of the Slovak Bishops’ Conference, the Scientific Council of the “Thomistic Yearbook”, the Scientific Council of the Theological Faculty of the University of Trnave, and the Scientific Thomistic Society.
Mieczysław Gogacz – professor, for many years he was a head of the Department of History of Philosophy at the Academy of Catholic Theology. Founding member of the Thomistic Academic Society. Long-time lecturer of philosophy at the University of Warsaw, the Warsaw Medical Academy and the Military University of Technology. Chairman of the scientific council of the semi-annual ‘Pro Fide, Rege et Lege’, member of the scientific comitee of the ‘Thomistic Yearbook’. Author of numerous books (57 editions in total) and nearly 1000 academic and popular papers. Supervisor of 64 master’s theses and 27 doctoral dissertations. In 1997, he received from the Pope John Paul II a Commandery with the Star of the Order of the Pope Saint Sylvester.
Krzysztof Kalka – has gained his doctorate and habilitation in philosophy. Member of scientific committee of half-yearly „Pro Fide, Rege et Lege” and “Thomistic Yearbook”. Author of numerous academic publications in philosophy.
Marcin Karas – professor in philosophy, historian of philosophy. He works in the Department of Polish Philosophy in Institute of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University. He is doing some research on the history of ideas and medieval philosophy, he is the author of over 180 publications. Recently, he deals mainly with early modern cosmology and history philosophy. He published such books as: The concept of time in the writings of William Ockham (in Polish, Krakow 2003), Nature and structure of the universe in cosmology of Saint Thomas Aquinas (in Polish, Kraków 2007), also, The history of the Church. Continuity and change in the Roman Catholic Church in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (in Polish, Sandomierz 2008), Integrity of the Priestly Brotherhood of Saint Pius X (in Polish, Krakow 2008), or Teilhard de Chardin’s Historiosophy of Traditional Christian Thought (in Polish, Krakow 2012), numerous papers (45) and translations (43).
Arkady Rzegocki – he gained his doctorate and habilitation in political studies. Deputy Dean in Faculty of International and Political Studies at the Jagiellonian University in 2012-2013; professor and member of the Senate of the Polish University in Exile in London (2010-2016); founder and project manager of the Jagiellonian University Polish Research Centre in London. Visiting Scholar at Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge (2014). Founder and longtime editor-in-chief of the “Pressje” magazine. Author of numerous academic publications. Honorary President of the Jagiellonian Club, member of the board of the Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej.. Member of the Scientific Committee of the “Thomistic Yearbook”. Councilor of the City of Krakow (term of office since 2014). From 2016, he has been the Polish ambassador to Great Britain.
Sławomir Sobczak – he has hained his doctorate and habilitation in pedagogy. Director of the Institute of Pedagogy of the University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Siedlce. A specialist in the field of social pedagogy and resocialization theory, as well as Thomistic basics of education.
Antoni B. Stępień – profesor in philosophy. A former member of the Committee of Philosophical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In 1987-1990 the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Lublin. Former head of the Theoretical Philosophy Section of the Catholic University of Lublin, Department of Logic and Theory of Poznań, as well as the Department of Theory of Poznań. For many years the editor-in-chief of the most important Polish philosophical magazines: “Philosophical Yearbooks” and “Zeszyty Naukowe KUL”. Former chairman of the “Philosophical Education” program board, member of the editor-in-chief of the “Catholic Encyclopedia.” Author of several hundred books and academic articles on the theory of cognition, methodology of philosophy, metaphysics, aesthetics and the history of contemporary philosophy. Promoter of 56 master’s theses and 12 doctoral dissertations. Doctor honoris causa UKSW, a bachelor of the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. Winner of the Award Father Idzi Radziszewski for all his academic achievements in the spirit of Christian humanism.
Stanisław Wielgus – professor in philosophy, archbishop of Warsaw (retired), former bishop of Płock. Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin in 1989-1998. Former Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Polish Episcopal Conference. In the years 1990–1993, he was deputy chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities. Former Secretary General of the KUL Scientific Society; head of the Theoretical Philosophy Section of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Lublin; Inter-faculty Department of Culture in the Middle Ages and the Department of the History of Philosophy in Poland. For many years the editor-in-chief of the academic journal Acta Mediaevalia and co-editor of Studia Mediewistyczne, chairman of the editorial board of the Catholic Encyclopedia. Author of 12 academic books on philosophy, theology, law and natural studies. Promoter of 75 master’s theses and 19 doctoral dissertations. Knight of the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
Adam Wielomski – he has gained his doctorate and habilitation in political science. President of the Conservative-Monarchist Club; President of the Scientific Society for Political and Legal Thought; member of the authorities of the Society for Security Sciences. Professor at the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce; head of the Department of Security Policy and Systems at the Institute of Social Sciences and Security UP-H; Professor at the University of Humanities and Economics in Sieradz. Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal ‘Pro Fide, Rege et Lege’. He specializes in French-language political thought. Author of 15 monographs and over 200 academic publications, mainly on the historical and contemporary political thought as well as the theory of state and politics.
Mehmet Zeki Aydin – professor in theology.. A graduate of the Theology Department of the University of Ankara (Turkey). Lecturer at numerous Turkish and foreign universities. Scholarship holder of international scientific programs (among others in Tunisia, Belgium, France and Germany). Author of numerous academic publications in the field of ethics, pedagogy and didactics.
Artur Andrzejuk – professor in philosophy and editor-in-chief of the “Thomistic Yearbook”. Professor at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. Student and successor of prof. Mieczysław Gogacz. Author of a number of publications on medieval philosophy and theology, Thomism, ethics and classical human philosophy. He is interested in the issues of feelings, dispositions and moral virtues, personal relationships.
Deceased members of the Scientific Comitee
Tadeusz Klimski (1948-2013). Professor and Vice-Rector of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw. He graduated from philosophy and psychology at the Catholic University of Lublin. He was associated with the Warsaw Academy of Catholic Theology (transformed in 1999 at UKSW) since 1970. He went through all academic degrees here, and in the years 2005-2012 he became the Vice-Rector of the University.
He was mainly interested in human issues in psychology, and then expanding those issues to include philosophical approaches. As part of the history of philosophy and classical existential metaphysics, he presented in his texts individual anthropological problems in relation to the structure of being, existence and transcendental.
T. Klimski was the founder and first chairman of NSZZ “Solidarność” in ATK (during the so-called “Solidarity carnival” in 1980-1981), in 1986-1990 he was a member of the 2nd Primate’s Social Council. From 2007 to 2013 he was the vice-president of the European Fedarion of Catholic Universities (Fedération des Universités Catholiques Europènnes).
Wojciech Falkowski (1930-2015). Professor and Rector of the Polish University in Exile (PUNO), in London. A psychiatrist, psychologist, painter and musician. Born in Nowogródek, taken by the Soviets with his family in 1940 to the vicinity of Arkhangelsk, after the “amnesty” in 1942, together with the General Anders’s Polish Army, he went to Iran and then to Africa, where he continued his education at a Polish school. After the war, he graduated from medicine in Dublin and began to specialize in psychiatry, in which he achieved subsequent degrees until his membership in the Royal College of Psychiatry. He was the originator, co-founder and long-term chairman of the Center of Analytical Psychotherapy in London and the Institute of Transactional Analysis. He also managed the Research Department at the English alcohol prevention center; he was also highly regarded in the United Kingdom of forensic experts in psychology and psychiatry. He became PUNO professor in 1980 and elected rector in 2002; he held this position until 2011. On October 6, 2009, he signed with the rector of UKSW, father prof. Ryszard Rumianek, a cooperation agreement between PUNO and UKSW.
Andrzej Maryniarczyk (1950-2020) – professor in philosophy. Long-time vice-director and head of studies at the Major Seminary of the Salesian Society in Krakow. Former head of the Theoretical Philosophy Section of the Catholic University of Lublin and currently head of the Department of Metaphysics. Editor-in-chief of the „Powszechnej Encyklopedii Filozofii”. (encyclopedia of philosophy). Author of 15 academic books and over 100 articles. Promoter of 119 master’s theses and 24 doctoral dissertations. He was awarded the Gold Cross of Merit for achievements in scientific and didactic work, organizational and social activity.
Antoni B. Stępień,
Marie-Dominique Goutierre,
Piotr Mazur,
Grzegorz Hołub,
Andrzej Jonkisz,
Paul J. Cornish,
Marek P. Prokop
Tomasz Pawlikowski
Henryk Anzulewicz
Piotr Roszak