Michał Zembrzuski
Profesor Tadeusz Klimski’s study the issue of truth in ancient and medieval philosophy

Artur Andrzejuk
Tadeusz Klimski`s realistic interpretation of the problem of unity

Rozprawy i artykuły

Tomasz Pawlikowski
Cognoscibility of Being. Case of Parmenides and St. Thomas Aquinas

Marek P. Prokop
Potentiality or potency. Introduction to the problems

Jarosław Gałuszka
Three ways of understanding generatio in heresy of Arius and ways to overcome them in the texts of Thomas Aquinas

Marcin Trepczyński
The demonstrability of God’s existence in Summa theologiae of Albert the Great on the background of writings of Thomas Aquinas

Artur Andrzejuk
Existential metaphysics of being in Thomas’ Aquinas treatise De ente et essentia

Paulina Sulenta
Is the Generality or the Concrete Thing the Object of Human Knowledge? Reflections based on Article 6 of the Question 2of Quaestiones disputatae De Veritate – De scientia Dei.

Michał Zembrzuski
Confused cognition of God (cognitio confusa) – St. Thomas Aquinas and Descartes

Andrzej Marek Nowik
Thomistic philosophy in the historical methodology of Feliks Koneczny

Izabella Andrzejuk
Man and contemplation. The anthropological basis for the knowledge of God in the account of of Aleksander Żychlinski

Wojciech Golonka
Saint Thomas Aquinas as a philosopher: the problem of sources


Michał Zembrzuski
The concept of the active intellect in De spiritualibus creaturis by Thomas Aquinas

Tomasz z Akwinu
On spirituals creatures, a.10 (trans. Michał Zembrzuski)

Étienne Gilson
Lecture given at the Hall Study in Institute of Medieval Studies in Toronto, 13th of December 1932 (trans. Martin Andrusieczko, Izabella Andrzejuk)

Sprawozdania i recenzje

Magdalena Płotka
Thomism on conferences „In the circle of medieval anthropology” (2011) and „In the circle of medieval metaphysics” (2013) organized by the Section of History of Philosophy UKSW

Magdalena Płotka
Report on the visit of historians of philosophy at the University of Gdansk in the framework of research project „The history of philosophy as a philosophical problem.”.

Michał Zembrzuski
Report of awarding Professor Mieczyslaw Gogacz prizes and symposium „Thomism consistent.”

Tadeusz Klimski
Jacek Grzybowski, Byt, Tożsamość, Naród. Próba wyjaśnienia formuły „tożsamość narodowa” w perspektywie metafizyki, Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki, Kęty 2012, pp. 693 (Review)

Michał Zembrzuski
M. Trepczyński, Ścieżki myślenia Alberta Wielkiego i Tomasza z Akwinu, „Campidoglio”, Warsaw 2013, pp. 232 (Review)

Tomasz Pawlikowski
Tadeusz Kuczyński – Od poznania świata do poznania Boga, Wydawnictwo Petrus, Cracow 2013, pp. 172. (Review)

Jacek Grzybowski
Politics, morality, virtue – harmony or antinomy? Reflections on the book by Adam Machowski, Teologia polityczna św. Tomasza z Akwinu. Antropologiczno-etyczna interpretacja traktatu „De regno”, Wydawnictwo UMK, Torun 2011, pp. 45

Izabella Andrzejuk
M. Płotka, Metafizyka i semantyka. Filozofia Jana Wersora (Opera philosophorum medii aevii, t. 12), Wydawnictwo UKSW, Warszawa 2013, pp. 220 (Review).

Note about authors

Caravaggio, Tomasz na obrazie Madonna del Rosario (1607)