Thomistic Yearbook No. 3 (2014)

ISSN 2300-1976

Andrzej Maryniarczyk
What’s after Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy in postmetaphysical times?

Artur Andrzejuk
Ethics of person protection. An outline of problems

Dissertations and articles

Mikołaj Krasnodębski
Theory of personal existential relations as a foundation of family in Mieczysław Gogacz’s philosophy

Magdalena Płotka
Practical aspect of self-cognition in Thomas Aquinas’ account

Michał Zembrzuski
Is cognition better than love? Justification of intellect’s superiority over will in Thomas Aquinas’ account

Sławomir Kozerski
The relation between virtues and feelings in Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy. An example of fortitude

Paula Belina-Prażmowska
Why do we do evil? Tripartite division of moral evil according to Thomas Aquinas

Grzegorz Baranowski
Justice and virtue of justice as the basis of legal ethics

Jakub Wójcik
The principle of pedagogy. On the philosophical background of upbringing in Mieczysław Gogacz’s account

Izabella Andrzejuk
Ethics serving ascethics. The role of moral virtues in human spiritual life in Aleksander Żychliński’s account

Agnieszka Klimska
The importance of philosophical and ethical justification for the concept of sustainable development

Marcin Klimski
Anthropocentric and biocentric account of environmental ethics on example of Tadeusz Ślipko’s and Zdzisława Piątek’s versions

Artur Andrzejuk
Ethics of scholars


Piotr Roszak
Mariology of light. Commentary and translation of Thomas Aquinas sermon Lux orta

Tomasz z Akwinu
Sermon Lux orta (transl. Piotr Roszak)

Artur Andrzejuk
Commentary on Nicomachean Ethics. Lesson I Translator’s introduction

Tomasz z Akwinu
Commentary on Nicomachean Ethics. Lesson I (transl. Artur Andrzejuk)

Fernand Van Steenberghen
Thomism (transl. Izabella Andrzejuk)

Reports and reviews

Michał Zembrzuski
Report on the “Symposium on the occasion of celebration of Thomas Aquinas”

Radosław Siemionek
Is there an independent on revelations ethics? On the margins of a book by Ralph McInerny Question of christian ethics

Izabella Andrzejuk
Review: J. Zatorowski, Synderesis et conscientia. Koncepcja podmiotowej normy moralnej w tekstach Tomasza z Akwinu – jej źródła i kontynuacje, ed. M. Zembrzuski, A. Andrzejuk, Wydawnictwo von borowiecky, Warsaw 2013, pp. 236

Artur Andrzejuk
Św. Tomasz z Akwinu, O cnotach rozumu. Komentarz do VI księgi “Etyki nikomachejskiej” Arystotelesa, transl. M. Głowala, J. Kostaś, M. Otlewska, W. Ziółkowski, Wrocław 2010, pp. 211

Controversy and discussions

Urszula Wolska
Debate on book by Artur Andrzejuk Metafizyka obecności. Wstęp do teorii relacji osobowych, Warsaw 2012, pp. 508

Marek P. Prokop
Debate on book by Artur Andrzejuk Metafizyka obecności. Wstęp do teorii relacji osobowych, Warsaw 2012, pp. 508

Note about authors

Carlo Crivelli, Św. Tomasz z Akwinu (1476