Thomistic Yearbook No. 5 (2016)
ISSN 2300-1976
Arkady Rzegocki
Professor Wojciech Falkowski – Sarmatian and gentleman
Ignacy Dec
From my meetings with prof. Mieczyslaw Gogacz
Maciej Słęcki
List of publications of Professor Mieczyslaw Gogacz in 2006-2014 as well as additions and amendments to the list of 1998-2001
Mieczysław Gogacz
What is reality?
Artur Andrzejuk
The Conception of Existence According to Mieczyslaw Gogacz. A Contribution to the History of Consequential Thomism’s Formation
Dissertations and articles
Michał Zembrzuski
Truth about intellect. Understanding of possible and agent intellect in the thought of Mieczysław Gogacz
Agnieszka Gondek
Pedagogy of Mieczyslaw Gogacz – a proposal of realistic education in the context of idealistically oriented modern pedagogy
Bożena Listkowska
Attitude towards self and the sense of happiness according to Erich Fromm and Mieczyslaw Gogacz. Comparative study
Michał Głowala
Actual Existence and Life. Some Remarks on vivere viventibus est esse
Richard Zan
God as the environment for man. The knowledge of God in account of St. Thomas Aquinas
Artur Andrzejuk
The Problem of Sources of Thomas’ Concept of esse as the Act of Being / Thomas Aquinas on active and contemplative life
Magdalena Płotka
Thomas Aquinas on active and contemplative life
Izabella Andrzejuk
Friendship (amicitia) in Thomas Aquinas` texts
Grzegorz Hołub
The Potentiality of Embryo and the Concept of Human Soul
Jacek Grzybowski
Can relation that has the weakest kind of being in St. Thomas’ metaphysics constitute a foundation for the real being of a nation?
Anna Mandrela
Critique of the theory of reincarnation in Summa contra Gentiles by St. Thomas Aquinas
Kamil Majcherek
Thomas Aquinas and William of Ockham on the purposefulness of the natural world
Dawid Lipski
The problem of the existence and essence in the views of Thomas of Sutton
Tomasz Pawlikowski
The problem of Subsistence in The Logic of Marcin Śmiglecki
Jan Pociej
Piotr Semenenko’s Attempt of Renewing of Classical Philosophy
Maria Boużyk
Jacek Woroniecki on Prayer as a Factor Improving Human Nature
Reports and Reviews
Anna Kazimierczak-Kucharska
Warsaw Thomists on the X Polish Congress of Philosophy – Poznan, 15-19 September 2015
Michał Zembrzuski
The report of the symposium in honor of St. Thomas Aquinas on the anniversary of his death – 9 March 2016
Izabella Andrzejuk
Thomism at the conference “Philosophical aspects of mysticism” – 15 April 2016
Artur Andrzejuk
Un « thomisme gay » du Père Oliva. Review: Adriano Oliva, Amours. L`Église, les divorcés remariés, les couples homosexuels, Paris 2015, pp. 166
Artur Andrzejuk
Review: Arkadiusz Gudaniec, Paradox of selfless love. The study of philosophical anthropology in texts of St. Thomas Aquinas, Lublin 2015
Controversy and Discussions
Piotr Moskal
Some remarks on Izabella Andrzejuk’s review of my book Treaty on religion
Izabella Andrzejuk
The response of the remarks of Fr. prof. Piotr Moskal regarding the review of the book: The Treatise on Religion